HubSpot Workflow Extractor

πŸš€ Introducing the HubSpot Workflow Extraction Tool! πŸš€

Inspired by Tyler Samani-Sprunk’s workflow audit table, I’ve created a HubSpot Workflow Audit tool that leverages the HubSpot API and OpenAI to extract, analyze, and create a comprehensive table of all your HubSpot workflows! – Say goodbye to excessive manual work.

🧠 The Rational 🧠

Understanding the various workflow automations in a HubSpot instance is crucial for grasping its overall structure and HubSpot’s role in your stack, though it can be a complex process.

Recently, I came across Tyler’s HubSpot Audit table on LinkedIn, which emphasizes routine self-audits for HubSpot users. Ideally, instances would be well-documented and audits conducted regularly with business stakeholders; however, that’s often not the case.

Therefore – I’ve developed a straightforward tool to simplify the initial audit process, ideal for agency workers or new HubSpot admins who want to swiftly grasp the automations in their (likely) undocumented instance.

πŸ”¬ The Tool πŸ”¬

The HubSpot Workflow Extractor is a simple Python script that connects to your HubSpot workflows via HubSpot V3 and V4 APIs.

  • It does not read ANY data from your instance aside the Workflow Structure
  • It uses ChatGPT 3.5 by default, and moving to ChatGPT 4o only where needed (larger workflows) – thus saying time and costs.
  • It creates an Excel files, with a list of workflows that contains:
    • Workflow ID
    • Workflow Name
    • Link to Workflow on HubSpot
    • Whether the workflow is Enabled or not.
    • Created-At timestamp
    • Updated-At timestamp
    • Action Count
    • Object Type (Companies/Deals/Contacts/Tasks etc.)
    • Workflow related properties (!!! – super useful )
    • Whether the workflow contains specific Actions (change property, delay, send email etc.)
    • AI Description of the workflow (If OpenAI key is provided)
  • The tool is available to the public for free. You’re welcome to use, clone, and adapt it in any way that enhances your job performance πŸ™‚

❓ How does the AI Description differs than that of HubSpot ❓

HubSpot AI descriptions (which also need to be applied manually per-workflow) are basic and provide less data regarding the workflow. The HubSpot Workflow Extractor analyze all of the workflows regardless of what is written in their existing description field.

❓ What do you need in order to run it? ❓

You need to create a Private HubSpot App and give it permission to read your workflows. That’s it!
If you wish to use the AI assisted descriptions, you will also need an OpenAI key.

If you wish to run it on your own machine for maximum security, you’ll also need Python installed, alongside with Flask, requests, openpyxl, openai and APScheduler libraries.

πŸ—ƒοΈ Where can I get it? πŸ—ƒοΈ


Or, alternatively, you can Run the code yourself on your machine, by downloading it here (and installing the required Python libraries).
Download , Validate and Use it on your own machines for maximum security.

Any Questions? Feel free to contact me for further assistance or to share some thoughts.


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